Episode 46

Creating Student Voice Through Podcasting with Jamie Turnbull

In this episode of Educational Podcasting Today, Jeff sits down with Jamie Turnbull to discuss how to create student podcasts using Synth. In this episode, Jamie discusses how she sets up her podcasting activities through simple activities that then lead into a three-day activity for her middle school students.

This podcast is sponsored by Concordia University – Portland

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In this episode, we discuss:

  • Why Podcast in the Classroom?
  • How to Podcast in the Classroom?
  • Classroom Management During Podcasting Activities
  • The Importance of Student Voice
  • Creating Student Podcasts using Synth
  • Setting Up Classroom Assignments
  • Recording During Class time
  • Recording Out of Class time
  • Digital Citizenship
  • Sharing Podcasts with Our School and Community

About Jamie Turnbull

Jamie Turnbull is a Middle School English teacher at Sioux Central Community School. She has been teaching for 6 years and consistently encourages student voice. Most recently, she designed a podcast unit with her students, which reflects the importance of student-centered learning and the power of student voice. 

Students are using Synth to create podcasts. There are several links to student examples that I would like to share.

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Educational Podcasting Today
Helping educators learn about audio and video in the classroom and home studio.

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Jeffrey Bradbury

Jeff Bradbury is a globally-recognized educator, educational broadcaster, public speaker, and entrepreneur whose powerful message has inspired thousands of educators through the TeacherCast Educational Network.